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Is the Nation鈥檚 Primary Care Shortage as Bad as Federal Data Suggest?

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Federal policymakers have been trying for a long time to lure more primary care providers to understaffed areas. The Biden administration boosted funding in 2022 to address shortages and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) pushed sweeping primary care legislation in 2023. But when 素人色情片Health News set out last year to map where the primary care workforce shortages really are 鈥 and where […]

The AMA Wants a Medicare Cut Reversed 鈥 And Lawmakers To Stay Out of Care

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Congress is back this week and feverishly working on a bipartisan agreement to fund the government for the rest of the 2024 fiscal year. Ahead of a potential vote, I spoke with Jesse Ehrenfeld, the president of the American Medical Association, the nation鈥檚 largest lobby group for doctors, about his organization鈥檚 priorities in Washington.  Some […]

Many Autoimmune Disease Patients Struggle With Diagnosis, Costs, Inattentive Care

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Despite the prevalence of autoimmune conditions, like the thyroid disease Hashimoto鈥檚, sometimes finding help can prove frustrating as well as expensive. There are often no definitive diagnostic tests, so patients may rack up big bills as they search for confirmation of their condition and for treatment options.

The AMA May Reconsider Single-Payer Health Care

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Is the American Medical Association going soft on single-payer health care? We鈥檙e about to find out. For more than a century, the most influential U.S. physician group has stridently opposed what could generally be described as 鈥渘ational health insurance.鈥 It famously helped defeat health reform efforts in the 1930s and 1940s, delayed the establishment of […]