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Nikki Haley (And Her Opponents) Struggle With a Vaccine Message

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Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley portrays herself as a voice of reason in the Republican Party. 鈥淟et鈥檚 find consensus,鈥 she said about abortion during the first GOP primary debate. 鈥淟et鈥檚 treat this like a respectful issue.鈥 It鈥檚 talk like that 鈥 and strong polling in a hypothetical matchup against President Biden 鈥 that has […]

PrEP, a Key HIV Prevention Tool, Isn鈥檛 Reaching Black Women

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New HIV infections occur disproportionately among Black women, but exclusionary marketing, fewer treatment options, and provider wariness have limited uptake of preexposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, drugs, which reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

A New Covid Booster Is Here. Will Those at Greatest Risk Get It?

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The CDC says everyone over 6 months old should get the new covid booster. But the emergency response mechanisms that supported earlier vaccine campaigns are gone. As one expert wonders: How to get boosters to people beyond Democrats, college graduates, and those with high incomes?

Why the CDC Has Recommended New Covid Boosters for All

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As covid-19 hospitalizations tick upward with fall approaching, the CDC says it鈥檚 time for new boosters 鈥 and not only for those at highest risk of serious disease. Here are seven things you need to know.