Latest News On Sexual Health

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HHS Removed Images Of Condoms From HIV/AIDS Awareness Fliers

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For those who are sexually active, condoms are widely recognized as the most effective method for preventing HIV and other diseases, if used correctly. But a fact sheet with 鈥渦napproved condom imagery鈥 was taken down from a federal website, KHN has learned.

Federally Funded Obria Prescribes Abstinence To Stop The Spread Of STDs

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Obria, a Christian medical chain, was awarded federal family planning funds for its California clinics for the first time this year. Clinics receiving Title X funds are expected to treat and prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Obria鈥檚 prohibition against condoms means its prevention efforts rest on abstinence, even as STD rates surge.

Federal Experts鈥 Advice On HPV Vaccine Could Leave Adults Confused

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A federal advisory panel says people between ages 27 and 45 may benefit from the vaccine to fight the human papillomavirus. But some public health advocates worry that the advice doesn鈥檛 provide doctors and patients clear guidance about who in this large age group are good candidates for the vaccine.

Even When HIV Prevention Drug Is Covered, Other Costs Block Treatment

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The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended that people who are at high risk of contracting HIV take PrEP, a preventive treatment. The decision means most health plans will be required to cover the drugs without charging patients. But the recommendation doesn鈥檛 apply to the other clinical and lab services people need.

As Syphilis Invades Rural America, A Fraying Health Safety Net Is Failing To Stop It

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Syphilis is spreading from big cities into rural counties across the Midwest and West. One Missouri clinic has seen more than six times as many cases in the first few months of 2019 compared with the same period last year. Communities grappling with budget cuts and crumbling public health infrastructure also lack experience in fighting the disease.