Latest News On Children’s Health

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California Forges Ahead With Social Media Rules Despite Legal Barriers

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State lawmakers are advancing two bills aimed at protecting children from the harms of social media, part of a nationwide wave of efforts to address the issue. Yet the bills鈥 proponents face hurdles in finding an approach that can survive legal challenges from the tech industry.

How Two States Reveal a Deeper Divide on Insuring Kids鈥 Health

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Arizona and Florida lawmakers saw trouble ahead for children in 2023, with states slated 鈥 as the covid-19 pandemic waned 鈥 to resume disenrolling ineligible people from Medicaid. So, legislators in both states voted to expand a safety net known as the Children鈥檚 Health Insurance Program, or CHIP, which covers those 18 and younger in […]

En Colorado, reeval煤an leyes formuladas para proteger a los menores

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Hay esfuerzos en Colorado y otros estados para revertir las leyes que obligan a informar sobre sospechas de abuso o negligencia, argumentando que el resultado ha sido demasiados informes infundados, que perjudican desproporcionadamente a las familias que son pobres, negras, ind铆genas o tienen miembros con discapacidades.

California Is Investing $500M in Therapy Apps for Youth. Advocates Fear It Won鈥檛 Pay Off.

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California launched two teletherapy apps as part of the governor鈥檚 $500 million foray into health technology with private companies. But the rollout has been so slow that one company has yet to make its app available on Android, and social workers worry youths who need clinical care won鈥檛 get referrals.