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KHN on the Air This Week

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KHN and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media this week to discuss their stories. Here鈥檚 a collection of their appearances.

Hard Lives Made Harder by COVID: Homeless Endure a 鈥楽low-Moving Train Wreck鈥

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This was supposed to be the year California finally did something about its homelessness epidemic. COVID-19 upended that promise, along with the cobbled-together services many homeless people rely on for survival. Interviews across the state reveal a new magnitude of hardship and indignity for tens of thousands of people living on the streets.

Listen: Outbreak of Trench Fever Grips Coloradans

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KHN senior Colorado correspondent Markian Hawryluk joined KUNC鈥檚 Henry Zimmerman on 鈥淐olorado Edition鈥 to discuss his recent story on an outbreak of trench fever around Denver.

Newsom Likes To 鈥楪o Big鈥 But Doesn鈥檛 Always Deliver

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The COVID-19 pandemic is showcasing California Gov. Gavin Newsom鈥檚 leadership style to a national audience. The first-term Democrat doesn鈥檛 shy away from making splashy announcements and lofty promises, but his plans often lack detail and, in some cases, follow-through.

Tampons, Pads And Politics Mesh In New Push For Access To Menstrual Supplies

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As a national movement for better access to menstrual products gains steam, 鈥減eriod equity鈥 activists in Colorado are finding the path to change isn鈥檛 straight. Although Denver last summer repealed sales taxes on menstrual products and the state now requires supplies to be provided in prisons, an effort to repeal the statewide sales tax on the products failed. So, activists assemble supply kits to donate to those who need them.

For 2020, California Goes Big On Health Care

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California lawmakers are proposing ambitious health care ideas, from creating a state generic drug label to banning the sale of flavored e-cigarette products. Even though Democrats control state government, they鈥檙e likely to face pushback from powerful health care industry groups like hospitals.聽

Homeless Californians Adapt To Camp Sweeps And 鈥楾he Caltrans Shuffle鈥

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Communities across California, frustrated with the growing number of homeless people living on public property, have tasked police and sanitation workers with dismantling encampments they say pose a risk to health and safety. The routine cleanups have spawned another public health concern: the loss of the displaced people鈥檚 personal possessions, including medicines.

Reduce Health Costs By Nurturing The Sickest? A Much-Touted Idea Disappoints

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Nearly a decade ago, Dr. Jeffrey Brenner and his Camden Coalition appeared to have an answer to remake American health care: Treat the sickest and most expensive patients. But a rigorous study in the New England Journal of Medicine shows the approach doesn鈥檛 save money. 鈥淲e built a brilliant intervention to navigate people to nowhere,鈥 Brenner tells the 鈥淭radeoffs鈥 podcast.