Latest News On Florida

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Doctors Hesitate to Ask About Patients鈥 Immigration Status Despite New Florida Law

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Florida鈥檚 new immigration law requires hospitals to ask patients about their immigration status at admission and in emergency rooms, and report that information plus the cost of care for residents without legal status. Doctors and nurses who oppose the policy seem reluctant to criticize lawmakers for fear of political retribution.

More States Drop Sales Tax on Disposable Diapers to Boost Affordability

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Last month, Florida joined a growing number of states in banning sales taxes on diapers to make them more affordable for older adults and families with young children. Though diapers are essential for many, they are not covered by food stamps. Nor are incontinence products for older adults typically covered by Medicare. The cost can easily add up on a fixed income.

Malpractice Lawsuits Over Denied Abortion Care May Be on the Horizon

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Physicians and attorneys say it鈥檚 a question of when 鈥 not if 鈥 a pregnant person dies from lack of care in a state with an abortion ban, potentially setting the stage for a malpractice lawsuit that could pressure providers to reconsider delaying or denying care.