Samantha Young

Has agregado a tus hijos a tu plan de salud. 驴Y tu mam谩?

素人色情片Health News Original

Un proyecto de ley en California exigir铆a que los planes de salud regulados por el estado cubran a los padres dependientes de los asegurados. Seg煤n activistas, la medida reducir铆a el n煤mero de personas sin seguro; pero grupos empresariales advierten sobre el aumento de las primas.

Another Soda Tax Bill Dies. Another Win for Big Soda.

素人色情片Health News Original

A bill that would have allowed California cities and counties to once again pursue taxes on sugary drinks was just shelved in the legislature without a hearing. Public health advocates blame the political 鈥 and financial 鈥 clout of the soft drink industry.

Blue Shield Spent Years Cultivating a Relationship with Newsom. It Got the State Vaccine Contract.

素人色情片Health News Original

Insurance giant Blue Shield of California has made millions in charitable and political donations to Gov. Gavin Newsom over nearly two decades, largely to his dearly held homeless initiatives. In turn, Newsom has rewarded the insurer with a $15 million no-bid contract to lead the state鈥檚 covid vaccination distribution.

D茅j脿 Vu for California Voters on Dialysis

素人色情片Health News Original

Californians are again being asked to weigh in on a dialysis ballot measure. This one purports to target patient safety, and dialysis industry giants are once again spending big to defeat it.

鈥楾errible Role-Modeling鈥: California Lawmakers Flout Pandemic Etiquette

素人色情片Health News Original

As California workers and schoolchildren struggled to work from home, state lawmakers met in person. And as their legislative session came to a close in late August, they broke COVID rules: They huddled, let their masks slip below their noses, removed their masks to drink coffee 鈥 and required a new mom to vote in person while toting her hungry newborn.